Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

OK for letter to express writer's opinion

To the Editor:

A letter from Ken Bowman in Monday’s paper took issue with a previous writer to the Daily Globe expressing her opposition to same sex couples having access to the rite of marriage.

Bowman is a very talented writer who authored a recent series in the Daily Globe which I very much enjoyed, as I shared many of the same memories he did while growing up in this area.

I don’t take exception to Bowman’s right to an opinion. I do however take exception to his apparent disregard for the Daily Globe or anyone else expressing theirs. I do commend the Daily Globe for printing the many disparate opinions of their readers over the years.

Bowman recently retired from a teaching position at our local college where he taught our children. It is hoped he taught them the freedom of speech and expression as well as his area of expertise.

Ronald A. Knief


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