Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Iron County board moves to Phase 2 of budget reform


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Hurley — Members of the Iron County Board of Supervisors voted on Tuesday evening to approve Phase 1 recommendations for the 2024 budget.

They also voted to establish a new capital fund that will be geared toward the ongoing goal of greater fiscal responsibility.

Board Member Kurt Wolff, who has been leading the push for budgetary reform, summarized the results of Phase 1 that he had outlined in greater detail in a recent Finance Committee meeting.

He said that, even after meeting with many department heads to reduce costs in each of their departments, the budget still remains $1,250,000 in the red.

The challenges relate, in part, to the fact that Wolff also removed from the budget any speculated income from carbon credits on the grounds that, although it is expected, it is not guaranteed.

Wolff said the next step will be to move on to Phase 2, during which he plans to address the remaining financial gap.

In related news, the board also voted — at the advice of Wolff — to establish a capital improvements fund.

“Creating a capital fund is an important aspect of solving remaining budget issues,” said Wolff.

Board Member Karen Lauer, who made the motion to start the fund, added that such a fund is a “critical” aspect of capital awareness.

Board members also:

—Learned from Eric Peterson, county forest administrator, that the state has received Iron County’s allotment of $2,689,000 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The funds, which relate to the 2016 Saxon Harbor storm, next will be issued by the state to the county.

—Learned from Board Member Jamey Francis, reporting for the Aging and Advisory Committee, that County Sheriff Paul Samardich has negotiated with the Hurley K-12 School to supply meals to the county jail. Francis said the new deal will be more economical than the previous agreement with the county senior center.

—Approve a resolution for the submission of applications for grants to administer the Iron County Land and Water Resource Management Plan for 2024.

—Approved a grant resolution for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

—Approved the work study program under the direction of Lauer, who reported that progress continues on work study job descriptions and a related wage study. She added that the county’s employee handbook is undergoing revision with an end goal of “more understandable language.” More information on each issue will be shared as progress occurs.

—Tabled a decision on amending a resolution, which establishes the salaries of elected positions within the county. The vote included the scheduling of a related special meeting on April 9 at 6 p.m.

All votes were unanimous with Brandon Snyder absent.

In addition to the special meeting, a reorganizational meeting of the board will be held on April 16 at 3 p.m.