Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Wakefield-Marenisco School approves new reading curriculum

WAKEFIELD — Members of the Wakefield-Marenisco Board of Education approved a new elementary school reading curriculum on May 20.

“The elementary teachers have spent a great deal of time reviewing potential curriculum for students in grades K-6,” said Superintendent Jason Gustafson. “They have chosen ‘Into Reading’ as what they would like to go with.”

The curriculum is a blend of online and print and encompasses writing, as well as phonics.

Gustafson obtained a grant for $33,286 to help cover the cost of the curriculum.

The board also learned that the district was $23,147 under budget on elementary teacher supplies for the 2023-2024 school year. The savings will help to defray the $57,792 cost of the program.

Expected to arrive in coming weeks, the new curriculum will be implemented when school begins next fall.

Prior to the board meeting, the board’s Curriculum Committee had met to review the reading curriculum.

According to Gustafson, the district had invested heavily in curriculum in 2021, but could not afford it at that time.

In other news, the board approved the 2024 Tax Rate Request form and adopted the 2024-2025 Michigan High School Athletic Association resolution.

Gustafson also told the board that all state testing has been completed for the year.

He also said that negotiations with support staff and teacher unions are both expected to begin in the next couple of weeks.

Contracts for the superintendent, business manager and secretary also will be negotiated in June.

The board also heard a presentation from City Manager Robert Brown and his administrative assistant, Ashley Tarro. They updated the board on the attempts of the new Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to find an equitable way to charge those who use the gym in the municipal building.

Brown said funds are needed to maintain the gym. The board tabled a related decision until the June school board meeting in order to examine the issue further.

The board also voted unanimously, with Cory Halberg absent, to approve a five-year contract with Jim Paquette for snow removal.

“I am very pleased with the work they have done for us for the past several years and recommend accepting their bid,” said Gustafson.

The board also heard a first reading on the latest update of NEOLA policies, which included no major changes.

A budget hearing will be held on June 24 at 5 p.m. in room 107 of the school. The hearing will address year-end budgets as well as the proposed budget for the 2024-2025 school year.

The next regular monthly meeting of the board of education will follow the budget hearing.