Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Sunday Lake's water levels recede

WAKEFIELD — Water levels of Sunday Lake fell 2 feet by Saturday, then another 2 to 3 inches by Sunday, said Scott Gronert of Kleiman Pump and Well Drilling of Iron Mountain.

The company has been monitoring water levels around the clock after pumping water out of the lake for two days, said Gronert. M-28 was closed during the pumping. The highway was open over the weekend.

“If the water starts to come up again, we will call the city and the Michigan Department of Transportation to get the road closed again,” said Gronert.

It would take between two and three hours to get everything up and running if water levels hit the flood mark again, he said.

At this point, water levels would have to come up a foot and a half for the pumps to even work, Gronert said.

All roads are open in Gogebic County, said Gogebic County Sheriff’s Department deputy Scott Voit Sunday afternoon. Although, localized problem areas are marked off.

Iron County roads are all open, said Tracy Niehaus, dispatcher at Iron County Sheriff’s Department, Sunday afternoon.