Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Opinion / Letters

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  • G-Tac doesn't deserve lease extension

    Feb 24, 2015

    To the Editor: Since board members at the Meet the Candidates forum at the Hurley High School said they wouldn’t have signed the lease if they knew what was in it and Iron County Chairman Joe Pinardi said he was working to renegotiate the lease, they shouldn’t float Gogebic Taconite for a year on the lease. Very few people actually attend meetings to see what is really going on and seem to prefer to talk in generalizations or call anyone who doesn’t like the lease names. That’s not going to help anything. This is the county’s chance to make t...

  • The time to act against Islamic terrorists is now

    Feb 19, 2015

    To the Editor: Islamic terrorism. 200 girls kidnapped into slavery; 30 people beheaded; 40 people burned alive; 20 people killed in France and Denmark. It doesn’t matter what group name is used, this animalistic behavior must be stopped. The United States must take a leadership role in eliminating these terrorist organizations. This will take a world coalition and we must use every persuasive argument to convince the world community that we are facing a global cancer and it must cease. The debate in our country will focus on U.S. forces (...

  • Government should act to improve quality of life

    Feb 17, 2015

    To the Editor: The federal government and our state governments need to enact legislation that will make our nation a better place for American citizens. Following are some of what must be done to make America a better place for American citizens. 1. Create a healthcare system that will provide all of our citizens with health care that is government funded. 2. Provide government funding for all qualified students who attend colleges and universities. 3. Make our jails and prisons places for reforming the thinking of inmates, rather than places...

  • Bessemer Schools should consider consolidation

    Feb 14, 2015

    To the Editor: The Bessemer Area School Board is up to the same old monkey business. According to the party line, everything is rosy and Bessemer Strong, whatever that means. Just like the spring thaw we all look forward to, the board is preparing to offer another tax and spend bond. This one proposes we buy two buses and install security, all for “... only $400,00 and interest over eight years.” Sure, the board could buy salt-free, used buses from Ohio for about $20,000 each, but they like the pretty, shiny, brand new ones. Besides, the dis...

  • There's a side of customer service most don't see

    Feb 13, 2015

    To the Editor: I felt compelled to offer the other side of the story when it comes to customer service. I have worked customer service for 25 years at the same company and I have seen a huge decline in the way customers treat workers in the public sector. It seems that every other person has a cell phone glued to their ear. I make a habit of greeting each customer, ask if they need a bag for their purchases, thank them, and tell them to have a nice day. The cell phone addicts will give me a glare for interrupting their conversation and stomp...

  • Home is where the mine is

    Feb 12, 2015

    To the Editor: I am currently a 4th year student at Michigan Tech University and I’m focusing my engineering degree in Mining. On the same note, I’m proud to say that I grew up in Bessemer, Michigan and enjoy the outdoors of the U.P. as any Yooper would. I can see why many residents of the U.P. and Northern Wisconsin would be against the potential mines coming into effect, but I believe it is turning into a necessity for the surrounding areas. The past summer and fall semesters of 2014, I spent on an internship on the Iron Range of MN. For tho...

  • GTAC deal is a bad one for Iron County, residents

    Feb 10, 2015

    To the Editor: It would take pages to address the reasons Iron County should not agree to the lease option extension drafted January 23rd by GTAC’s lawyers. Here are a handful: 1. The lease is a bad deal for taxpayers. Iron County gets virtually nothing for well over 3,000 acres of land that is absolutely essential to a mine. Thecurrent deal doesn’t even adequately compensate for lost timber sales from the land. Even a tiny royalty payment of 50 cents/ton of taconite would yield Iron County $4 million/year. Minnesota mining companies pay ove...

  • Congressman Benishek's 40-hour work week a scam

    Feb 3, 2015

    To the Editor: In his Jan. 9, 2015 “Benishek Bulletin,” Congressman Benishek announced he had sponsored the “Save American Workers Act” claiming it would “Restore the 40 hour work week.” Sounds good doesn’t it? But I wondered just how this bill would help part-time workers obtain a 40 hour work week. I did some research and learned that it won’t. Beginning this year under The Affordable Care Act (ACA), large businesses having 100 or more full-time equivalent (FTE) employees are required to provide health insurance to at least 95% percent of...

  • Customer service is a thing of the past

    Jan 30, 2015

    To the Editor: Whatever happened to the customer is always right? I am writing to express my disappointment in customer service in our local area. I always felt that our small, close-knit lifestyle was the way to live. Everyone knows everyone and we take care of each other. In recent months, that belief has turned to pure disgust. There is the unmotivated convenience store worker who doesn’t even say thank you, the snotty waitress who treats you like you owe her something after you order another drink. My most recent experience with poor c...

  • Send gray wolves to lower peninsula

    Jan 28, 2015

    To the Editor: Nancy Warren, in a recent Letter to the Editor, tried to discredit a trapper of 40 years as not being an “expert on predator-prey relationships.” I looked up “expert,” as she should have done and found this: “A person with special skill or knowledge in a certain field.” I think a veteran trapper of 40 years can give us more hands on information with special skills than someone looking at a computer screen. Thousands of hunters spend thousands of hours in the woods as do trappers, loggers, foresters, etc. If their observation...

  • Locals should manage local wildlife

    Jan 27, 2015

    To the Editor, I am writing this letter to urge your readers to contact their federal legislators regarding U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell’s ruling that returned the gray wolf to the Federal Endangered Species List. Judge Howell’s ruling includes the upper Midwest including Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. It prevents these states from continuing successful DNR management programs and makes it a federal offense to kill a wolf for any reason. The only legal defense for killing a wolf is if it was a threat to a human being – not even to a...

  • Wolves have gained priority over humans

    Jan 23, 2015

    To the Editor: I support the letter to the editor published Dec. 13, 2014, from Joe Allen; unlike Nancy Warren, who stated in her letter (of Dec. 18, 2014), that 40 years of trapping and hunting does not qualify Joe as an expert in predator/prey relationships. I don’t feel that he would want to be considered an expert anyway. But the information and opinions of Joe and others like him that have spent more time in the outdoors than many of the people that make the “scientific” decisions about our wildlife should not be discounted. Since our f...

  • Iron County Food Pantry thanks supporters

    Jan 17, 2015

    To the Editor: Once again, the community has demonstrated its caring spirit with generous donations to the Iron County Food Pantry and Treasure Room from individuals, businesses and organizations, not only in days approaching the holidays, but throughout the year. The volunteers at the pantry are truly gratified to have been able to provide nourishing food each month in 2014 to more than 150 families in Iron County. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to all who wrote a check, held fund-raisers and food drives or dropped off cash or food at the...

  • Time is now to support Relay for Life

    Jan 15, 2015

    To the Editor, What started as one man walking around a track in Tacoma, Wash., 30 years ago this spring has grown into the world’s largest movement to fight back against cancer. Today, more than four million people participate in American Cancer Society Relay For Life events in 6,000 communities worldwide. The Gogebic County Relay For Life is one of them, and I want to encourage people from every part of our community to get involved. Plans are underway for the American Cancer Society event, set for Aug. 2015. And don’t worry, there is no run...

  • GOISD School Board meets many important challenges

    Jan 12, 2015

    To the Editor: January is School Board Recognition Month — a time to salute the work of our volunteer school board members and to celebrate public education. The theme, “School Boards Lead Strong,” reflects our combined commitment to leadership and accountability assuring that all children succeed. It’s an exciting and challenging time in public education. School board members in Gogebic-Ontonagon Intermediate School District develop policies and make tough decisions that help shape the future of our education system. They bear respons...

  • Elected officials overestimate economic benefit of casino

    Jan 7, 2015

    To the Editor, What a casino would do to this area is devastating. Is the petty promise for a few to a handful of jobs worth the effects of a casino on our community? Thomas A. Garrett, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in 2003, found that an increase in casino revenue decreases retail sales. Casino patrons will likely take their dollars away from certain activities; restaurants, movies, etc., and move them into casino gambling. Howard Shaffer, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Ryan Marti...

  • Time to understand real threat to wolves

    Dec 18, 2014

    To the Editor, Joe Allen, in his Letter to the Editor published Dec. 13, said he has been a trapper for 40-plus years. That qualifies him as an experienced trapper but not as an expert on predator/prey relationships. There is no data to support his claim that “wolves have taken deer numbers to less than half of what they used to be.” Research shows deer numbers are affected less by predators than factors such as weather, food, habitat quality and human hunters. Research also shows that wolves actually strengthen the deer herd by culling the spr...

  • MDNR wildlife chief not on right page with wolf threat to deer population

    Dec 13, 2014

    To the Editor: In regards to a Nov. 17 article which included comments from Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Chief Russ Mason, I feel his comments were a slap in the face to the intelligence of all hunters, trappers and sportsmen of the Western U.P. He said the reason deer numbers are so low are because of the last two hard winters, which I do agree with, however our deer over the last 40 years have seen numerous hard winters, especially in the mid-’90s. He also blames the coyote as the main factor, with no mention of our t...

  • U.S. lagging other advanced nations on universal health care

    Dec 6, 2014

    To the Editor: Most advanced nations provide their citizens with universal health care, funded by their governments. With universal health care all citizens in a nation are able to receive health care, regardless of their family income. The U.S. is one of the few advanced nations that does not provide universal government funded health care for all citizens. Therefore, in the U.S. many low income families cannot receive the health care they need; members of these families often die earlier than individuals of families with high incomes. Canada...

  • Performers deserve praise for exciting HIT Idol show

    Dec 4, 2014

    To the Editor, To all of you who saw the Ironwood Theatre’s Idol competition Nov. 7-8, I’m sure you would agree with me that it was a wonderful, awesome, unbelievable production. To see this show that 70 devoted volunteers put on and the 45 youth and young adults that displayed their talents in, they are all winners. Such poise and charisma they showed was touching to all of us watching them perform. The seven winners, wow, the smiles on their faces I can’t forget. I would not have wanted to be a judge. Naima Adepado and her band were truly an...

  • Search for peace creates struggle for veterans

    Nov 18, 2014

    Dear Editor, Listen to the wind in the willows. Listen to the murmur of voices long gone, but not forgotten. Way back in the summer of 1962, while in basic training for the U.S. Army, I made the mistake of firing “expert” with an M-1 rifle. The war in Vietnam was just starting to heat up. I spent the better part of six years in special operations in conjunction with navel maneuvers. Translation: I played numerous games of “Battleship” in an office in a National Guard armory using government-issue graph paper and ballpoint pens. By no means do I...

  • November time to thank those fostering, adopting

    Nov 13, 2014

    Dear Editor, November is National Adoption Month. More than 3,000 children in the state of Michigan are in foster care waiting for permanent, loving families. Each year approximately 14,000 children are in foster care and approximately 3,000 of these children will become legally free for adoption. Another 300 children are waiting with no identified families for adoption. When children are removed from their biological parents due to neglect or abuse, the goal is to reunify them with a safer and stronger birth family or find an adoptive family a...

  • Wakefield casino needs to include employment for everyone

    Nov 8, 2014

    Dear Editor: Some years back I went to the casino in Ashland, Wis., to put in a job application for employment. On the application it said “preference given to Native Americans and are you Native American?” Since I’m not, I can assume my application ended up in the trash. If this is the policy of all Native American casinos how is that helping the employment problem in this area? I’m sure a big majority of the people here aren’t Native Americans? The area businesses who are proposing this project need to investigate this thoroughly and make...

  • Illegal immigrants shouldn't be welcomed, supported

    Nov 4, 2014

    Dear Editor, I am only a second generation American and am proud to say my grandparents emigrated here legally from Europe. They did not sneak into this country during the night like cockroaches emerging from their holes when the lights went out. The government did not support them; they paid their own way with hard work and perseverance and became upstanding citizens, proud to be new Americans. One of my grandfathers was a farmer, the other a coal miner and both later became factory workers, which was certainly no picnic in the first half of...

  • Cannon will protect medicare, not Benishek

    Oct 28, 2014

    To the Editor, Congressman Dan Benishek has resorted to the same old Republican fear tactics to scare voters into voting for him. Benishek’s latest campaign mailer, meant to intimidate Michigan voters, is called, “Let’s connect the dots” ... because your Medicare is at risk. In it he falsely claims that Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi, slashed your Medicare benefits to pay for Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act). He then adds that candidate for U.S. Congress, Jerry Cannon, will vote the party line and your Medicare will be at risk again. “Dr.” D...

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